DAVID - hill

SWIMMING and para-triathlon

What was your sport and how did you get into it?

My older sister enjoyed swimming with Exmouth Swimming Club and I sheepishly joined her one day and loved the social aspect of the club. I enjoyed racing my friends, while trying to beat my sister, and soon entered local competitions. My parents were only keen for us both to learn to swim well because we lived close to the beach. 

Tell us about the highlights of your sporting career?

A standout highlight was competing in my first Paralympic games age 15, which made me the youngest Great British athlete at the games. My parents, sister, nan and uncle travelled to Athens to watch, so it was really special that they could be a part of it. 

What were some of the challenges you experienced and how did you overcome them?

I faced numerous setbacks in my 15 years as an athlete, from narrowly missing selections, needing emergency operations and being diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Ultimately I wouldn’t want to change anything as it has shaped me into the person I am today. 

What have been your highlights while working at the Trust?

Highlights include seeing the transformation in some of the young people I’ve worked with, and working directly alongside Dame Kelly herself, spreading her message and courage to others. 

What do you do now alongside working for the Trust?

I’m an athlete mentor, a personal trainer, and head coach of the swimming club that I started at eight years old. 

Two days a week I focus on my gardening and landscaping business. I’m also an addicted property renovator as well as occasionally getting parts as an amputee actor for roles in TV and Film. 

What life advice would you give a young person?

Follow what excites you. If you do what you love, you can make a life out of it, and no day will ever feel like ‘work’. 

What experience do you have of working with corporate organisations? 

I have delivered team building days to a number of corporate organisations in recent years.

What does Being Me mean to you?

Unapologetically doing whatever excites you, without approval or permission or trying to please others. We are all different so embrace what makes you unique and let it shine. 



Paratriathlon at Rio Paralymics - 10th


World Championships - Bronze

European Championsships - Bronze


100m backstroke final at Athens Paralympics


dani - christmas
