Machu Picchu - A trek of a lifetime

In January 2024, Dame Kelly Holmes Trust launched our first international fundraising challenge – a once in a lifetime trek to one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites, Machu Picchu in Peru.

19 others were joined by the charity’s Founder and President, Dame Kelly Holmes, in what is a milestone year for Kelly, who has been celebrating the 20th anniversary of her double gold Olympic win in Athens. Exceeding all thiertheir expectations, the adventurers shared an experience that they will never forget!

The group embarked on a spectacular 10-day journey to the Lost City situated2430m above sea level – taking in the Ancascocha trail, reaching summits of 4550m, surrounded by the snow-capped Andean mountains, raging rivers and remote mountain communities – the journey was quite simple breathtaking.

Dame Kelly Holmes expressed her gratitude to the team, saying:

Thank you to the amazing team that came together to support my charity, in an extraordinary environment, for an incredible challenge, in a wonder of the world. I will never forget this journey and everything it gave us all. WE did it!
— Quote Source

So why Machu Picchu, why Peru?

The trip was organised to raise vital funds for Dame Kelly Holmes Trust, which supports young people across the UK. The Trust puts world class athletes shoulder to shoulder with young people. Equipping them with a winning mindset and shaping their futures - it's a teammate like no other - whether that’s building relationship skills, improving self-esteem or learning to stay focused, or finding future employment opportunities.

So far, this incredible challenge has raised in excess of £70,000 with funds still being donated. If you would like to donate, click here.

Pippa Stott, Dame Kelly Holmes Trust’s Partnerships and Fundraising Events Manager said: “Machu Picchu allowed us to continue celebrating the 20 year double-gold Olympic anniversary of our Founder & President, Dame Kelly Holmes as this was a bucket-list challenge for her.

“It provided an incredible opportunity to bring a team of positive people together to raise vital funds for the Trust. In the same way, our athletes work with young people facing adversity in their lives each day, this challenge pushed all participants out of their comfort zone,” Pippa continued.

A journey unlike any other 

There’s so much we could share from the trek, but it’s safe to say that for the group there were ups and downs, challenges, laughter, awe inspiring moments, but most of all memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.  

It was one thing to get a group of people together to experience the amazing trek and to make lifetime memories, but another part was to bring awareness of Dame Kelly Holmes Trust to the group and to show them the amazing work which is being done with young people across the UK. 

The team were fully immersed in the Peruvian culture, with native tour guides showing them the way – the group took in part of the Inca trail on the last day of the trek, up to the famous Sun Gate, and experienced Peru’s amazing nature with alpacas and llamas roaming alongside them.

Claire Leach who took part, said: “I have left a part of me there. What a crazy, epic, spiritual adventure, physically and emotionally!”

Claire continued by saying: “It was hard, close to impossible at times, it took huge amounts of resilience, but the rewards were greater than any of us could have dreamed of - new friendships and connections, stunning scenery and a truly unique environment and culture in the Andes and at Machu Picchu - and we raised a lot for an amazing charity!”

“The trek was an extraordinary experience on so many levels,” said David Hennah. “It was physically demanding whilst spiritually fulfilling but I feel blessed to have shared this time with a wonderful group of people who supported each other throughout,” he continued.

Fay Greaves, who is a BAFTA and NTA winner and appeared on Series One of the BBC hit show The Traitors also took part in the trek. Speaking about her experience, Fay said:

It took me a full week to reflect and recover on what was an incredible 10 days in the Spiritual Peruvian Andes Mountains, trekking the Ancascocha trails to Machu Picchu, and reaching our highest point of over 4550m. We walked, we climbed, and crawled together!…. there was singing and laughter too and when the going got tough, there was always someone to push you through it!!
— Quote Source

Louise Cullen explained: “I could write a book about this experience! The people made it an experience to remember, it just can’t be put into words.”

“The terrain and environment were truly spectacular! And no matter how difficult it felt, nobody would consider giving up, and there was something captivating about the Andes mountains that I think people can only understand if they have experienced it,” Louise said.

There is so much more we could write about what was a once in a lifetime trip, and we will! Make sure you follow us across our social media channels as we share highlights from those who journeyed to Machu Picchu in the coming weeks.


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